Laverstoke with Freefolk is a wonderful place to live. It has attractive buildings, beautiful countryside and enjoyable social and sporting activities.
One of the most important institutions of our community is the village church. It’s a place where local people can come to worship, as well as for baptisms, weddings, funerals and the major festivals of the church.
St Mary the Virgin and its beautifully maintained churchyard, in associate with St Nicholas church across the road (owned by the Churches Conservation Trust), are there for people as a peaceful haven in times of trouble. Some come to say goodbye to loved ones, others to reflect or pray.
Alternatively the spring flowers that surround the church building offer a place to wander and pause from the stresses of modern life.
A view to the church from the river
Whatever the reason, many of us have a soft spot for our Village Church and want to play a part in passing our Church Building on to future generations in the way it was passed to us.
The spire on the church has recently had to be re-shingled due to the damage caused by woodpeckers. A huge fundraising campaign took place along with generous individual and charitable donations which raised approximately £85,000 for the works to be carried out.
This year we need to raise £28,500 to repair the roof of the church which is ‘slipping’ due to nail fatigue. We have so far raised £17,000 towards the cost.
We have a Laverstoke and Freefolk Church Heritage Fund (LCHF) under the control of Laverstoke PCC. If you would like to help us preserve this historic building at the centre of our villages please donate to our Heritage Fund through our CAF Donate Heritage page. Any monies paid to this fund will be spent exclusively on the fabric of the church.
You will be playing your part in ensuring our village church will survive for future generations.
Thank you for your support.